Twentieth Blog Entry Sun Sept 4th

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As you can tell I really enjoy writing for the web and like and Google’s Blogger service which make web based publishing simple and fun. I also believe using open web publishing services are better for users and democracy than closed web publishing on platforms like Facebook. I have written before about Readability and Apple’s Safari Reader making distraction free reading possible while in some cases providing alternative compensation models for publishers than advertising. My next few articles will reflect more  broadly on issues like broadcast retransmission, retransmission consent and fights between cable providers and programmers over retransmission fees. For now though want to share my thoughts on the ease of use of is very user friendly in my opinion as is Google’s Blogger service I mentioned earlier. However, how do they compare to Tumblr? Frankly, I wouldn’t know as of yet having never used Tumblr before but heard some people say they like it more than WordPress. Unable to control my curiosity of Tumblr any longer I have created a Tumblr account and after publishing a few times to my Tumblr address will share my observations of the service. Clearly monetization of content is important for publishers so its a good thing Readability which I have discussed above and in previous articles has provided an alternative compensation method than advertising to support quality writing. This topic of monetizing online content in an era of distraction free reading is clearly an important one so may continue to discuss it in more detail in future.


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